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Rebuilt engines should include a new water pump..

Don’t ignore the radiator, water pump, fan clutch or thermostat. Since most cars use a form of belt drive to operate the water pump, it becomes imperative to know what condition your water pump and belt are in and keeping them up to may be in the market for a rebuilt engine.

The modern methods of driving a water pump are either a belt that turns the water pump using the engine as power, or, a small 12 volt electric motor using a belt, drives the water pump. You may notice a whirring sound from the fan clutch when the thermostatic element tells the fan to start moving.

Water pumps as do  fan clutches wear out and need replacement periodically. Realistically if your cooling system is maintained regularly, these items will be checked and prevent sensitive components from being damaged, like a sudden need for a rebuilt engine.

It may be worth putting a new water pump on every 3 to 5 years to prevent overheating problems. With the use of aluminum engine blocks being mated to steel parts, overheating is a big issue, because dissimilar metals paired together expand and contract differently and the soft parts inside the engine are extremely sensitive to overheating.

The pump drive set up, which is becoming the standard setup for cooling systems and radiators is the electrically operated fan. It uses an external mounted thermostat to tell the electric fan when the temperature of your engine gets high enough to start the cooling process.

What ever type of water pump system your car uses, take our advise at Blog and make sure you are not becoming vulnerable to a big tow job. When a water pump physically comes apart, it often throw debris into the radiator, which will then need replacement too.

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